The position of mandi at night will be different on the week days viz., at the end of 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 and 14 respectively.ģ. The lord of the seven muhurtas are counted not from the lord of the week day chosen but that of the 5th. These figures have to be proportionately increased or diminished according to the duration of the day chosen is greater or less than 30 ghatikas. When the duration of the day is 30 ghatikas, the positions of Mandi or Gulika on the week days counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6, 2 ghatikasa (from Sunrise) during day time. (3) Ardhaprahara, (4) Kala, (5) Dhooma, (6) Patha or Vyatlpatl, (7) Parldhi, (8) Indra Dhanus and (9) Ketu or Upketu.Ģ.

The author in this verse pays obeisance to all the upgrahas viz., (1) Mandi (Gulika), (2) Yamakantaka. Also explain about effects of different plant association with Gulika and Calculation of the positions of Gulika and other Upagrahas and their effects.ġ. The first house is ruled by feisty, entrepreneurial, energetic Mars and by the first sign of the zodiac, individualistic Aries.This article discuss about Gulika calculator and Mandi effects in different house. Once you know your ascendant, you should read both your Sun sign and your ascendant sign, whether in forecasts or personality outlines reading both will give you a more accurate picture. This explains why all those born under the same sun sign are not alike most of us are actually a combination of the sun sign and the ascendant. The sign on your ascendant is the sign whose characteristics you express naturally.

Astrology is very concerned with mathematical measurements we convert everyone to the same birth city to create a common denominator.)

(All charts are converted to Greenwich Mean Time. The only way you can find out your rising sign is if you cast a natal horoscope chart for the exact date, time and place of your birth. The first house reveals the sign rising on the horizon at your birth, also called the ascendant sign. The first house is the hardest house for an astrologer to read, because your desires are so personal! It also rules your strength of will, your individuality and determination. We look to the first house for any new, important trends and cycles. The first house, when viewed along with conditions in the sixth house (more on that one later) also reflects the state of your health and your vitality.

It covers your ego, natural tendencies, the way you present yourself to the world, your energy, vitality and your deepest desires. The first house determines a lot about what makes you unique - what you look like, your personality, your drive, your goals, and your priorities.